Wednesday, February 1, 2012


   Emperor Qin is deciding whether to burn  the scholar’s books or not. The fact that Emperor Qin doesn’t accept other beliefs makes him a weak ruler. Emperor Qin feels that different beliefs, religions, and teachings don’t reflect on the ruler he feels he is. Qin wants everyone in China to study the same teachings, believe in the same things, and practice the same religion. Since Qin doesn’t control this he feels that he isn’t in full control like he wants to and intends to be. Emperor Qin recently spoke out and said that he is not fond of scholars. He feels that they are causing problems in China and only making his ruling go down hill.
    Emperor Qin wants everyone to be under his and only his control. He wants his dynasty to not follow other rulers, religions, teachings, and beliefs. Emperor Qin feels that since people under his control are heading towards the directions of other thoughts and beliefs, he is not in full control of them. Emperor Qin wants to be the one who makes the laws, the commands, and punishments. Since there are many different beliefs and religions in China Emperor Qin feels like a weak ruler because he doesn’t not control it. 
    Qin on the other hand might come to like other teachings. Looking from his perspective if he minded it that much he would have done something about it by now. That doesn’t mean hes not going to but it might be the beginning of something new. Emperor Qin is also a strong leader because he carries a huge army and knows that everyone looks up to him. He is in control and has put China up to a higher standard. 
    Over time Emperor Qin has made it clear that he does not like other teachings, beliefs, and religion because hes not in power of them and he wants to be in full control always. Qin likes the thought of everyone only looking up to and listening to him. The fact that Emperor Qin doesn’t accept beliefs makes him a weak ruler.

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