Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Emperor Thinks of New Sensation!

251 B.C.

    Recently Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di has decided that China should have a Great Wall to
protect from invaders. Qin wants to make a wall out of series of stones. It will be built to protect
from the greatest threat, which is the the bands of barbarian tribesman who lived to the north
and northwest. Qin is afraid of attack ever taking place so he has announced that a Great Wall
will be built. So far in the making, thousands of people have taken action in turning the
emperor’s dream into reality. Families have been forced to help in building the Great Wall, which
has caused relationships to fall apart along with breaking the beliefs of Confucianism.

    In a meeting with Emperor Qin it was said that the Great Wall will be planned to be as long as 2,000 miles long. The wall will go across the borders of the dynasty and along the plains and and deserts. Qin wants to make this Great Wall was because he doesn’t want any unexpected visitors. So far it has been announced that some of the wall has been completed.Many deaths have also been reported. People have been killed from falling stones or dying from the conditions of working without much water and protection from the cold or heat.
    We interviewed two people on this issue. Xia He, a landowner’s wife, had her husband taken away by Qin’s orders. “I feel that Emperor Qin Shi Huang Di doesn’t realize what he is doing and what is happening right under his nose! My husband was forced to be taken away to work on this ‘great wall’ and I don’t even know if he will come back! I worry everyday and I feel that Emperor Qin should stop making this death wall and let everyone go back to their families, where they belong.”  Another person wanted to speak up, named Lian. Lian told us his opinion on the building of the “Great Wall”. “ I think that what Qin is doing to protect us is great. We will finally be protected by the right ruler and in the right way. The Emperor seems to have it all planned out so I don’t want to worry about anything. I believe that we are in good hands.” The questions everyone asking now are “What will the Emperor do about all of these deaths and complaints?” and “Will Qin Shi Huang Di protect China the way he intends to?” 

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