Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Interview with Meng Jiang Nyu

    Meeting up with Meng-Jiang Nyu opened up many people’s eyes. She turned the table on
everyone’s perspective. She wanted everyone to  know about her thoughts and feelings on
Emperor Qin. She felt that she needed to be heard.

Q: What is your biggest accomplishment?
A: My biggest accomplishment would be to get married. In China it is hard to get married to an ideal man. He must be loyal, have some money, and have a good background. I myself was lucky enough to get that. I got married at 18 to Wan Chi-Lang.
Q: How did you grow up?
A: I grew up in a semi-wealthy family. My parents raised me well. The daily life i had was to get stuff at the market for my mother and to live a life as a kid. I hung out with friends and spent time with relatives. Under the rule o Qin was different though because my father lost his job and my uncle was punished for going against the Emperor.
Q: How do you feel about Emperor Qin?
A: After what happened with my husband I am not as fond of him as  i used to. Because of his dream to make a Great Wall my husband gave his life. Emperor Qin didn’t think through what he was doing. He caused families to break apart, including mine.
Q: What do you think of the things he has done in the past?
A: In the past i have heard that Emperor Qin is a strong, loyal, powerful ruler of China. People told me he was amazing and is moving China forward. Over time i started to believe that. For the past year i completely have gone against Emperor Qin for making such a horrible event occur.  Emperor Qin in my eyes is a cruel ruler.
Q: What happened during the period of building the Great Wall?
A: In my perspective during the building of the Great Wall many lives were thrown around as if not cared about.  Emperor Qin didn’t give everyone the safety that they should have had. He didn’t care for the lives that were lost. He only cared about protection for his dynasty! I feel that if Emperor Qin really did care for the people that were working to fulfill his dream. He was being selfish.

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